We the organizers and founding members of yogis on wheels Kerala each have a story to share. We know what it is to be a child born with physical limitations and their struggling life’s with different abilities, because we tasted it with our entire life. So we planned to begin an organization, that would must helpful to all physically challenged human beings by mentally, physically with education and all supports that who need to live happily in this world. We think hard and finalize ‘YOGA’ that can be surely eliminates all emotional problems, and we realized it would be helpful to gain more confidence. Our founder of this organization Dr. Jon Platania has been realized it and come forward to teach us with the modified YOGA ASANA for our comfortability at Holy Trinity Disabled children’s home in the very beginning. Then finally we decided to write it as Yogis On Wheels Kerala and Legally formed it in 2012 under the state government of Kerala, India.
To communicate primarily to disabled and under-privileged children, young adults and their families the healing and trans-formative benefits of Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda Medicine and Spiritual Counsel.
To conduct Yoga classes and other educational programs for the benefit of disabled children and young adults of the State of Kerala.
To make available computers and other information and communications technology to disabled children, young adults and their families.
To encourage electronic communication between and among disabled children, young adults, their families and others working for their benefit.
To establish a charitable trust fund from grants, contributions and other State, National and International funding resources for the benefit of disabled and poor children.
Living independently
To advance the welfare, education and opportunity of disabled children and young adults living in the State of Kerala, India.
“Through trials, tribulations, disappointments, and yes too many dead from among us, These children’s have become young women and men. Teaching still the central message of Yogis on Wheels Kerala - Learn modern technology to survive. Learn Yoga to Live Life to the Fullest”
Adi Jon Uncle